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Transform Your Health and Your Life with

What do I offer? My website is meant to provide motivation and education to help you be the best version of yourself. I offer personalized online fitness training and coaching geared towards people over 4o wanting to be in the best shape possible and feel their best. I will design a personalized training  plan to fit your specific needs and lifestyle.


About Me

My name is Pat Sweeney. I am currently 45 years old, and someone who has a true passion for fitness and living a healthy and active lifestyle into my 40s. I am currently an Elementary Health & Physical Education with a Bachelors Degree in Health & Physical Education, as well as a Masters in Health Science. While I enjoy teaching my elementary students, as well as my high school students the value of living an active, healthy lifestyle- my goal is to reach as many people as possible to help them reach their fitness goals and just be overall healthy people. Too often I feel like people just kind of give up once they reach 40. They give up on their health and just accept a more sedentary lifestyle. Maybe they just feel like that time has past. Well I'm here to tell you that is NOT THE CASE AT ALL! I want to help you see that you can still be fit, look great, feel great, and do all of the things you love. Your age is your energy, not a number! ( Find me on Instagram: @lifeover40fit).


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500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158


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